... Jenny Rossen is a professional sandsculptor and artist. 'Jenny the sandcastle girl' and her hand picked team of sand artists travel the globe bringing the magic of sandcastles and other fantastic sandsculptures to commercial events.

Drawing crowds and involving the community, 'jenny the sandcastle girl' creates wonderment and inspiration at festivals, shopping malls, private functions, product launches and exhibitions.

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  The City of Perth

"A very big thank you for the most amazing sandcastles you and your team created in the city. From the wonderful media exposure to the looks on the children's faces as they watched in awe - we were simply delighted with the promotion."

...................................................Kim Walton, Promotions Officer

West Australian Health Promotion Foundation Healthway

"It is new, different and has taken our concept of sandcastles into another realm altogether. It is a fabulous promotion, congratulations on a successful and exciting event."

...................................................Lindsay Lovering, Arts Promotion Manager

Dubai Shopping Festival

The sandcastle was a great success. We are happy to have Jenny back for more events.

...................................................Laila Suhail, Project Director


... People love to watch 'jenny the sandcastle girl' and her team at work transforming simple sand and water. Sandsculpture is a performance art. Half the fun is watching the sculptors create the work.
People return time and again to watch as the sculpture is revealed.
... Attracting attention, sandcastles can be made into giant billboards as logos can be designed into the sculpture. Everyone wants their photograph taken with our awesome castles, making your logo a permanent backdrop to their happy memories of the visit.
.. Increased media exposure and record crowd attendances are direct results of a sandcastle promotion.

Build the sculpture and the people will come.
,..... .. Children of all ages just want to play in sand. The community loves to join in 'jenny the sandcastle girl's' public workshops.

Why? Because it is just sand and water and everyone can do it

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